
Week 3 China and Hong Kong's green building rating system

China’s green building rating system

In 2007, ‘Green Building Evaluation Standard’ was recognized as the design and evaluation standard in China. After assessing by experts of the minister of construction and passing, ‘green building rating logo’ was granted, which divided into three levels from low to high. Simultaneously, ministry of construction also underwent “ Green Building Innovation Award “ and “ low-energy and green building double hundred demonstration project” and other policies to promote the vigorous development of China’s green building industry.

Hong Kong’s green building rating system—HK-BEAM

HK-BEAM mainly base on the framework of BREEAM of the UK. The evaluation of constructions mainly includes the new and old office and residential buildings. The rating system focuses on the overall environmental performance of buildings. The evaluation of building environmental performance includes base, energy, materials, indoor environment, water, innovation and improvement.

Reference List

Zhu, R., Wang, Q. and Li, N. 2014, ‘A Study on the Weight of Indicators of Foreign Typical Green Assessment Systems for Existing Building’, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY, 43(10).

