Google image, 2016
According to the
definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1983, sick building
syndrome is symptoms arising due to the use of buildings, including the red
eyes, a runny nose, sore throat, drowsiness, headache, nausea, dizziness, skin
itching. In
recent years, some experts and scholars have suggested that people's
dissatisfaction with the indoor smell is also incorporated into the sick
building syndrome. A large number of survey and analysis show that people have
about 90% of the time spent indoors, poor indoor air quality is the main cause
of sick building syndrome. Influencing factors of indoor air quality are list
pollution can be divided into five categories: First one is the particles of
pollutants, including from the various bedroom supplies or biological dust,
short fibers and hair; The second one is building decoration materials,
coatings and household chemicals release of VOCs (volatile organic compounds),
such as formaldehyde, benzene etc. The third category is biological pollutants,
including the metabolites of bacteria, fungi, viruses from decaying matter and
pet. They will make the weak resistance people infected. In addition, pollen
and dust mites will trigger allergic reactions in allergy crowd; the fourth
category is the radioactive material, which can directly induce cancer and it
is sourced from bricks, mortar materials, soil etc. The fifth category is the human
body's pollution, including the body odor,a
small number of patients access to public places and cross infection through
the air. These pollution sources will have a bad effect on IAQ.
2. Outdoor pollution source
outdoor pollution sources mainly include the nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gas,
the SO2, CO and the particulate matter excluded by the industrial and civil
3. Air conditioning system
conditioning system equipment is also easy to become a source of pollution. For
example, in table cooler cooling humidity reduction process, the water
collecting disk is extremely easy to breed bacteria; filter have dust and
micro-organisms, if not timely replacement, is extremely easy to become a major
pollution source.
Reference List:
(2011). Influence factors and improvement measures of indoor air quality.
[online] Available at: [Accessed
2 Apr. 2016].
(2012). Several factors affecting the indoor air quality. [online] Available
[Accessed 9 May 2016].