Shallow water
(groundwater, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.) in the earth's surface absorbs the
sun's radiation energy into the earth, and the temperature of the water is
generally very stable.
Water source heat pump system extracts heat from the water to the building to
meet the needs of users of heating and cooling. Water source heat pump is a
kind of clean renewable energy technology.
efficiency and energy saving
Water source heat pump
units use the water temperature of 12-22 degrees Celsius in winter, the water
temperature is high than the ambient air temperature, so the heat pump cycle of
the evaporation temperature is increased and the energy efficiency ratio is
also increased. In summer, the water temperature is lower than the ambient air
temperature and the efficiency of the unit is improved.
source heat pump use electric energy. Electric energy is a kind of clean
energy, but in power generation process it consumes primary energy and lead to
pollutants and carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity consumption
of water source heat pump units, compared with the air source heat pump,
equivalent to more than 30% reduction, compared with electric heating,
equivalent to less than 70%. Water source heat pump unit run
without any pollution and can be built in a residential area. The system has no
burning, no smoke, no need for stacking fuel waste sites and no long-range
transport of heat.
The transportation and storage cost of fossil fuel is saved, and the air
pollution caused by the pollutant emission of the coal burning boiler is
Reference List:
(2011). Working principle of water source heat pump. [online] Available at: [Accessed
30 Apr. 2016].