
Week 6 Urban Traffic Problems

With the acceleration of urbanization and an increase in travel demand, urban traffic congestion and traffic pollution has become common problems in major cities around the world. The key to solve the traffic problems is to guide people to make full use of public transport, such as buses, subway, etc. In order to achieve this goal, improve the quality of public transport service is necessary.

Establishment of bus lanes, providing priority signals to public transport, emplacing intelligent public transport monitoring and scheduling systems are strategies used in some Europe countries to effectively alleviate the traffic pressure and solve the urban traffic problems. Moreover, the strategies also achieved obvious social and economic benefits.

Reference List:

Liu, J. (2011). Urban traffic problems and Countermeasures. [online] Wenku.baidu.com. Available at: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/28d7d170f242336c1fb95e07.html?from=search [Accessed 12 Apr. 2016].

